Thursday, March 31, 2011

Marfa Lights

We did see some lights last nite. it was spooky and very intriguing the way they appear, disappear and then reappear again in different!!! They are so fascinating! The town of Marfa built a viewing stand strictly for people to watch for the lights. They don't appear every nite but sounds like quite often.

Today we are in Marathon, TX and it's quite nice. We are taking a van trip to the Big Bend Mountains tomorrow. It was a 55 mile ride today with some "hills" - I think of them as inclines... I'm sure I will be changing my mind when I get to Utopia and Kerrieville from what it sounds. I also took a pic of the Hotel Gage when Elizabeth Taylor would stay when filming the movies here. This part of Texas is really pretty with mountains arounds.

Today on the road we saw quite a few Prawn Tailed Elk (I think that's what Mike called them). He seems to know all the birds and animals around. Other than that - it's been a few cows, a few coyotes and that's about it. Hopefully we'll see some more animals tomorrow at Big Bend. Tonite it's bbq hamburgers for dinner...last nite roast pork.


  1. You are just riding along the Texas coutryside... Interesting information and you are such a historian...... Texas is pretty in the hill country....I just saw an interesting show on the Marfa kights....just a few weeks ago.. SPOOKY!!!!! There is someone out there..
    Your weather has been nice and still will in the south for a while..... We were in the 80's
    but have a great ride tomorrow... Be safe Nita

  2. Re Marfa lights: Phil says "Oh sure... I stopped smoking that stuff a long time ago!" I'm so glad you saw the lights but sad you didn't see any little green men! Like I've said before - you're having way too much fun. But keep doing it.
    Stay safe

  3. Enjoy your weather, woke up to snow this Marian said your having way to much fun only thing is i wish i was there. Have a great day. take care Katy/Kathy

  4. Hi Di,
    I just finished calling your house and discovered you were on this wonderful trip. I can't believe you're doing it. Great for you!!
    Will definetely follow the blog until you return. Can't wait to hear from you when you get back. Mannie
