Thursday, March 24, 2011

Welcome New Mexico

What a great day for a ride...76 miles with the Chiricahua mountains to the right...Mike made the comment that there were no houses, no cattle, no people but it's all fenced in...crazy!!
We made it to New Mexico... Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We stopped and took a picture of the monument where Geronimo surrended out here in Arizona. For some reason I can't get it to load... sorry!

You will be happy to know that your federal dollars are at work as all we saw on this road was Border Patrol. They are in trucks and on horseback. I guess they did have 7 or 8 standing along side the road cuffed and ready to take to the center (wherever that is). They check to see if they are wanted for anything in the US...if not, they take them back across the border.

Tonite Rick a border patrol captain came over and chatted with us about the job they are doing out here. He said for 1000 illegals they catch, 100,000 get into the US. He also said that it's really not the mexicans that are coming over but illegals from all over the world - China, ecuador, slovakia, etc... not the mexicans.. interesting, heh?!!?? He also said that in years past it was the mexicans coming over to get a job but now it is all about the criminal aspect-Drugs! He was saying how they have these ultra lite planes with the load under the belly and they have prearranged drop spots and they drop it so the Border Patrol can never catch them.

There was a sign outside Douglas, Az that said "Trade Policy" Drugs in, $$$ Billions out!!!

We are staying at Mountain Valley RV place. The proprieter is DiAnne who I think might be lonely sometimes but very very nice! RV parks can be a real wonder as to what you are going to get or not get.... We have one tiny shower and one bathroom for the group of us... somehow we make it work.

As I ride along I always think of the things I'm going to write on my blog and then when I start writing I forget most of it.... like in Catalina State Park - the coyotes that first could hear them on one side and then others answered them. Maybe they were warning the others of the big wind storm we were going to have..

Rand is having a lot of trouble with his medical issues. I hope he can continue riding. His wife has flown in from Virginia and will travel with him to El Paso...not sure what they plan on doing after that. They will be staying in motels along the way. Phil and Lora are also getting tired of the camping...they are staying in a motel also tonite... me? I don't care - it's all about the adventure!!!


  1. I love your picture in New Mexico,you are really riding across America.Pretty soon it will be just you and Bubba tenting.Oh well,less of a line for the bathroom.I bet you are getting so strong.Keep up the great attitude and you can do anything.


  2. Great picture, Lady Diane!! I love it. Looks like you had great weather. It snowed today here. Again.
    Stay safe

  3. Glad you are finally in a new state!! got your message but was out with Zoe. Pouring down rain here! talk to you soon.

  4. This will be the 3rd time I tried to send a comment, you are enjoying yourself !!!!
