Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Calexico to Yuma and some drama

The ride yesterday was hot! So was today but with a tailwind today!! Yesterday on the way to Yuma Border Patrol would drive along the side of the shoulder looking for footprints in the sand. They either went up and back again or they had more than one pickup going at different times.

My morning started off yesterday with me spilling my coffee in my tent! What a mess that was but I got it cleaned up and my tent is even cleaner than before.

To get to Felicity - fhe Center of the World we had to go 4 miles on this horrible bumby road. Our names were sent in with our sandwich request and we could take a tour of the place if we wanted to. 3 guys were ahead of me and when I got to the center - they weren't there. I thought they had gone on to Yuma. I asked for my sandwich and the owner said I had to wait for the rest of the riders. Well tired and hot as I was - I wasn't about to do that so I told her to forget my sandwich - just give me some cold water and I was riding to yuma. she got very upset with me! Then here come the 3 guys - they had gotten lost! Anyway to make a long story short - I stayed and ate my sandwich but said I wouldn't take the tour. She wanted me to pay for it anyway which I refused...! I think she was just a confused lady who wanted to take care of us and I wouldn't let her. I do plan on coming back and taking her tour. She was very insistent that we do that. It was pretty funny!

I finally got to Yuma and called Craig (my son) to pick me up as I was going to stay with them for the nite. I picked up my phone and it broke! We had to run down and buy a new one and that is nuts! They have you coming and going with their phones, their contracts, etc. You may think you're getting a good price but trust me - they got you!!! ButI got a new phone!

It was great seeing my son and daughter-in-law. I was going to take them out to dinner but instead we ended up at Kentucky Fried because of the time. Craig brought me back to the camp in the morning. Our camp was actually in a 100 year old church and everyone slept in the auditorium.
I guess everyone now knows who snores and who doesn't.... crazy!

Did you know in Yuma besides having a Terretorial Prison back in the cow boy days that back in World War II there were 2 german POW camps. There is still one camp standing and a bridge with swatiska (spelling).

We rode through the Imperial Sand Dunes and those dune buggies running up and down the dunes look like ants. There are hundreds of RVs everywhere as the snowbirds come down from all over the US and stay the winter. Many go into Mexico to get their medicine. I heard that in Mexico now - just across the border they have the Federalis with machine guns to keep the drug cartels away. Not the best place to be anymore....

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