Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fort Hancock

This was a 75 mile ride -flat and fast.... not much to this town except this is where they filmed part of the Shawshank Redemption. Also, the town was named for this man Hancock who was on the south side of the Civil war and his best friend was on the North side of the war. They fought against each other at Gettysburg.

We tented on the church grounds and our showers were at the school gym. For a small town they had a beautiful school and gym. We went to this small restaurant where they fixed beef brisket for the group. It was excellent and fun and very loud.

Just a reminder I'm in Texas now and Verizon doesn't hit all the areas like AT&T does so if I don't blog - just know it's because I can't.

1 comment:

  1. Shawshank redemption huh??? Havnt been able to check in the last couple days. Texas sounds like someplace I could settle down . Gotta luv the wide open spaces!!! Love ya !!! Phillip
