Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bisbee, AZ

Today we cycled a mere 25 miles but it was almost all uphill I think we are just short of 6,000 feet high. We came to this cute little historic town called Bisbee. I would like to come back one day and spend a couple of days here. antique shops, cute little shops, restaurants... The owner of this bicycle museum had a wine and cheese reception for us and gave us some info on the town. We're staying in the city park and it is supposed to be very cold tonite. I guess they talked to Bubba a couple of days ago and they had a freeze and the pipes froze in the women's bathroom. they finally got the water going for the shower but no such luck for the bathrooms - so we are sharing the men's bathroom.

We were left to our own devices for dinner and so we all kind of split depending on what we felt like eating. 6 of us ate at a restaurant called Cafe Roka and it was delicious. For $17 I got 1/2 roasted chicken - so succulent...

Do you realize I have no idea what is going on in the world today. Last nite at the motel we had a tv and neither Dawn (my roommate for the nite)
thought of turning it on... now this is what I call a real vacation - away from reality!!

Tomorrow we will be in Rodeo, New Mexico... Our third state!!!


  1. Bubba's got another picture of you eating in a restaurant.You are doing great with all this riding.I hope you get the 30mph tailwind in New Mexico.Be safe buddy.


  2. You really don't want to know what's going on outside of your ride. It ain't pretty. Oooh, antique shops...I'd love to be there with you!Stay safe

  3. You sound great, I bet that chicken was wonderful..... All your Chili, chips, burritos,
    tacos, carne asadas....that you have had across the State of Arizona. Welcome to New Mexico...
    Scotty on Idol did well, he was Motown...The girls are in love with him...When he hits that low note, everyone swoons...Have a great ride today...

  4. Hey Aunt Diane!!!!! Hows it going?? Sounds like you are having a blast. Surely your not missing out on much out here-it's a stormin something fierce. Grandma got me onto your blog so I'll be keeping up with your adventure!!!! Wish I could be riding with ya!! Ride Safe!!!!
