Sunday, March 27, 2011

El Paso, TX

When leaving Columbus this morning I snapped a pic of the old Columbus Jail. Sure would have hated to spend any time there...

Hi ya'll...reporting from the grand state of Texas... It was a great ride today...some tailwinds and mostly flat 75 miles. Saw more Yucca plants. I don't think of stopping to take pics but it reminds me when we were kids laying on the grass looking up at the clouds and reminding us of different images... Here's a pic of the first group to Cross the Rio Grande river.

Dan the runner who was in so much pain at the beginning of the ride... he healed -they moved his bike seat forward. Today he rode with me and Mike. I think he will be in the fast pack by the end of this week. He over analyzes everything and has a hard time making decisions. He is reading about Buddhism and embracing whatever situation you are in at the moment. He's a lot of fun and we all embrace him and his quirkynesses.... Dan is on the far left of the texas pic - he's from Asheville, NC.

Yesterday was Gopher's 29th birthday. We had a great dinner of grilled salmon, baked potatoes and green beans. then we surprised Gopher with a cake and noise makers. He's such a nice guy...he and Erica are expecting their first baby in August. I don't know what Bubba will do without them as they don't really want to continue this lifestyle after the baby is born.


  1. Hail to Texas, you guys are amazing....... Tailwinds help on a flat ride. Stayed in El Paso a few times, it really is a great city, hence the violence on the border.. If I remember it has great rock formations...And maybe not. Enjoy yourself tonight...You all look great....Be safe Nita

  2. Have to make another comment....You guys are traveling fast....75 miles is like nothing to y'all...Amazing and proud of you....and all riders.. Nita

  3. The jail looks like it might have been an easy place to break out of.
    mmmm..grilled salmon. Makes my mouth water. Noise makers and birthday cake ... you guys are unbelievable.
    Where to next? Looks like you're having good weather. Rain has stopped here..for now anyway.
    Stay safe
