Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Marfa, TX

The road on the way to Marfa today was filled with lots of stuff... It was a 73 mile ride with tailwinds the last 15 miles.

First you should know that this area in Texas has seen a lot of movie sets with many celebreties staying in and around this area. Giant back in the 550's was filmed here plus many other movies - So for that reason, Marfa has a Prada Shoe store - who would have thought that...

On the way to Marfa we stopped at the Library in Valentine - so named because the first railroad stopped there on valentines day. The Travel club in the school was having a fund raiser selling burritos and brownies. We, of course, helped them raise some funds. Awesome burritos and the brownies were full of pecans - to die for....

Here we are in Marfa RV park and you have to see our "outside shower" absolutely an adventurous fun shower. We were cracking up... Steve, Harry and Ted were on their side and I was trying to take a shower on my side and we were hysterical... It is so open that when the wind blows it can be not only cold on you but the water is going away from only need to see the pic to understand.

Tonite after dark we are going to see the strange lights that appear in Marfa. They say they cannot be explained and they've been showing up for years... pretty spooky... could be aliens!!! Will let you know tomorrow nite.


  1. Am totally excited that you might see an alien!! Be sure to let us know. We've seen the lights and the story of Marfa on the Discovery (I think) channel.

    So how many shoes did you buy, Lady Diane?? They just keep following you around don't they!!

    Great story on the showers. Had me crackin' up.

    Stay safe

  2. Hey Mom, these are the white ball spheres that I used to see. I have seen them on television just lately... I love You Mom
    Craig P.S. they may follow you so watch for them everynite. XOXOXOXOXO
