Monday, March 21, 2011

Catalina Mountains dayoff

Yesterday was a day off from riding so we went to the Sonaron Desert Museum. It's quite interesting as it is like a small zoo. All the animals you would find in a find there along with stuff. There was a group of us that went and afterwards we went shopping.

That nite we had a cowboy nite...Chili and chips, a bonfire and Cowboy Joe came along to entertain us. Bubba gave us all cowboy hats and scarf to wear for this momentuous occasion. Cowboy Joe had some really cute funny poems he created from life happenings. Everyone got a big kick out of him until he got political about immigration and then we all started leaving....

Last nite also - the wind was so wild it was unbelievable. I couldn't sleep as everytime i dosed off part of my tent would wack me awake. I've never had a nite like that before...My biggest fear was that the tent would come down and I wouldn't be able to find the zippers to get out. Check out my tent before and after last nites wild wind storm. We all got up this morning laughing and exhausted as no one had slept. Our tents and everything we had was full of sand and grit... this is a crazy adventure.


  1. I will say you are in the Wild, Windy West.....
    Quite a wind storm, your tent looks whipped out.... I know you guys were without sleep.... Great job with journal and pic.s..Hope the weather is cooler...More rain here, they say this whole week...Be safe

  2. Sorry to still be laughing but this was pretty funny. A crazy adventure to be sure. Great attitude Lady Diane. Keep it up.
    Stay safe

  3. Wow!I am glad you told Bubba you were upset.I would be very mad if I had to ride further and wait 3 hours to do it.I had to laugh at your tent.We had 59 mile an hour wind Sat night in the Sac area.Today there was a tornado touch down in the Maxwell area where Don hunts.Crazy weather.Be safe.

