Friday, March 18, 2011

On the way to Casa Grande

An 80 mile ride today...what can I say? Long and tiring. we're here at this campsite in the desert. I am glad I don't live in the desert. We stopped for lunch at this little taqueira and I had Carne Asada Tacos! Yum and then Judy had a flat about 1/4th away the spot and our mechanic was there so we walked her bike back. I realized if I wanted to finish this ride I would have to slow down some - so I'm riding with Judy and Mike now. Course the others have also slowed down but they still leave me in the dust after a few miles.

Rand has MS and it has not stopped his bike riding yet. He is grateful to be able participate in this. His friend Dan is a runner but agreed to ride with him. I think he is really regretting it as he is really having some painful problems. I feel so bad for him. He didn't ride today as he needed some time to heal.

Dawn has diabetes and has vision trouble. She is out here every day and finishing the ride. I am really imnpressed with her determination. She rides a recumbant tryke. She does like her wine when she comes in though. The other nite there wasn't any available at the moment and she made sure they knew there was none. She's a neat lady!
Tomorrow is another 80 day ride and then we get the day off. Looking forward to that!!


  1. So, Lady Diane (I love your new name) what are your plans for the day off? Where will you be? I'm sorry about Rand but what an inspiration he must be. Dawn, too.
    Stay safe

  2. Boy, there has been some good mileage these last few days. Hope the weather came down a few degrees. Has it been real flat?... And dusty... Didn't you ride with a woman at Glacier who had Diabetes? These guys are amazing with MS and Diabetes...Bubba better get with it on the wine...Have a great day off on Sunday.... Lady Diane

  3. What an awesome journal. Great writing and newsy.....Keep it up...

  4. I am so proud of you and you have a right to be tired.But you will get stronger.It is raining here quite a bit and Santa Rosa had a tornado touch down today and do some damage.May you have tailwind on your back.


  5. Great blog, Carine, Margaux, Frijole & I are living vicariously!
