Monday, March 21, 2011

Today - traveling to East Tuscan

So after our crazy nite of wild wind we think we have a flat 30 mile ride to East tuscan...naught!! Bubba has asked a friend to take us as a group to Tuscan and show us around before getting to camp. We traveled the road where the Gibbins was shot and where 6 people died. Just a strip mall off the hiway- how sad is that!! Jim took us to University of Arizona which the buildings are pretty cool architecture on the campus. Then we rode through part of tuscan and he showed us where we were going to meet in 3 hours. well, that didn't set too well with us but we didn't have route sheets so we had no idea where we were going and had to wait for him. He took us past the airplane graveyard which i thinkt hey called it the bone yard or something like that... thousands of planes that are no longer in use from the army navy airforce marines. there is also a couple of old Airforce 1 planes... all planes that were used in previous wars - it is quite awesome to see. here is a pic but it just doesn't do it justice.

I'm in my tent right now and it is raining hard. So glad we made it in before the rain started. It's supposed to be clear in the morning though with sunshine...

The riders were upset with Bubba tonite and let him know it. He apologized to us all... after a long hard nite and then to make us wait for 3 hours before riding to camp and we had 35 mile an hour headwinds for almost 20 miles. Riders were very upset. I just say it's part of the adventure... but some didn't see it that way!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had a rough day but still sounds like quite an experience. I do miss talking to you about DWTS though. It was terrific last night - I was so excited!! Wendy Williams was horrible - the rest were pretty good. Have a great day!! Mary
