Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yuma to Dateland

Today we rode 76 miles from Yuma to Dateland. Very flat but with a nice tailwind... You couldn't ask for more. Check out my pic- these are the 4 guys I'm riding with. They are strong hard riders and I start out with them and usually halfway through the day I lose them... But they are fun to be with and they usually wait for me at the rest stops. today we stopped at this little cafe for lunch...


  1. I'm enjoying your stories very much! It's almost like being there. Cody and beans say hi too!! Mary

  2. Pace yourself girl,you got a long way to go.These guys may tucker out,so give them a chance to and they will be chasing you in Texas!Oh I hate to hear about the heat.I have been following Roland on Facebook and he has pictures of 2 riders that looked like they were from Lawrence of Arabia with the cloth attached to the helmet.Bubba made a little video of it.

    I look forward to your journal everynite.


  3. Sounds like you're having WAAY too much fun. A little hick-up along the way - spilling your coffee, dropping your phone - too funny. I love reading your journal.
    Stay safe.
