Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Typical Day of Riding

Igot a request to describe a typical day of riding and what tent life is like.
We usually have coffee around 6 or 6:30 and breakfast at 7 or 7:30. And then we all get ready to ride. We leave camp when we want to - not as a group but when we're ready. Usually Roland and R.O. are the last ones one. Judy, Mike and I are either the first ones or second ones out...
Tent life is fun... I have no problems with it. We have great mattresses and you only need to make sure you are warm through the nights so far. It usually gets down into the 40's. The crew sets are tents up and brings our bags to our tent. They feed us - usually really good food - not gourmet - but good! Some of the riders like their beer after the ride and we all sit around with either, beer, wine or soda... not many drinkers on this ride though. I guess last year everyone drank their share. When your ready - hit the tent to sleep. I'm totally enjoying this whole adventure of mine - from tenting (which I thought might be a challenge) to the riding... I find the riding not as challenging as I thought it would be as it is more flat than hilly. I understand it changes when we get to the Texas hill country. We have sag stops every 18-25 miles with lots to drink and eat. It just depends on the length of the ride... I'm trying to think of what else you might want to know... let me know if I missed anything or anything specific that you would like to know. This is the 2nd post I did today so make sure you read the Marfa Tx post.


  1. Thanks Di,I got the idea of how well you are doing.I have seen a weather channel show on the Marfa lights and they are spooky,but very interesting.You must be getting very strong.Are you eating alot?


  2. Sounds like it's going great - glad tent life is going so well and the riding is easy - so far! Guess you aren't missing DWTS one bit - I miss talking to you about it - and I'm loving it! Miss you - Mary, Cody and the beans

  3. wow, what an adventure your on, interesting, fun, and a lot of history. do you ever see wildlife ?I'm wishing I was there also! katy
