Friday, March 25, 2011

Columbus, NM

Today was a 95 mile ride to Columbus... it was said to have fantastic tailwinds but the earlier riders like me and Mike didn't get much of them. We had headwinds which weren't bad and cross winds Towards the end of the day we did get our tailwinds though but not very strong. The route was slight inclines throughout the day...

We stopped at a rest stop in Hachita... check it out....

We crossed the Continental Divide somewhere on our route....

A little bit about this town... The mayor and the chief of police have been indited for selling guns and ammo to the drug cartels.. they are in jail as I write. It was quite interesting for us all as the mayor had originally set up the site for our stay here in the gymnasium. Everything was pretty much in the air when Bubba got here this morning as he wasn't sure we still had the site. Well we did - only the pipes had frozen in the gym and we couldn't use it so they opened up the school that no longer is in use. We all have our own classrooms - I'm in Room 12 and I have a sink but no bathroom.. We use the class bathrooms down the hall. We took showers over at this B&B which was a really cute place. The owner of the 3 Salsa restaurant gave us a combination dinner tonite that was excellent. We took up the restaurant! Will write more tomorrow on this place as we are going to the Pancho Villa park and then over to Mexico for lunch. It is safe for an early lunch.

Thanks to all of you for all your comments. I'm loving it!!!


  1. I am so proud of you with your 95 mile day and not much a tailwind.I am glad you are riding with someone as the picture looks pretty desolate.We have had nothing but rain everyday and I haven't ridden very much.Cinderella is a week away and Gail and I are riding it,but she hasn't ridden much either.It sounds like you have a rest day tomorrow,so enjoy.


  2. I absolutely loved the rest stop picture. I'm still laughing. Your journals are great, Lady Diane. I so look forward to reading them each night.
    Stay safe

  3. So how bout that toilet!!! Guess you don't need much privacy when your in the middle of the desert with nobody else around!! I told my dad that I was following your blog and he said to tell you hello, and that he saw a cheap corolla on craigslist for $1300 and he thinks it Would make a better trip than having to pedal!!! Anywho, sounds like a great time and can't wait to see your daily updates. Be careful in Mexico. Lotsa love !! Phillip

  4. Look forward to reading your blog every morning. What an adventure! The tent pics a few days back gave me a good giggle. Probably not you though. Still raining here. Yuk. Be safe and take care,

  5. Sorry, forgot to sign my comment, following your blog, very interesting. Katy

  6. First of all, Scotty is safe, girls love his deep voice. Quite a fiasco with Casey, the group saved him... Di, great pictures and you look good. They say the weather is a little cooler down you way. We are mildewing slowly, moss will be growing on our backs.....You are really getting strong... 95 miles.....Go girl
    Be safe....
