Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Fun Day

Last nite we stayed in A Frames at Live Oak Springs. They cautioned us to lock up our bikes so my solution was to stand it up in the small closet - it fit perfect.

Tonite we're in Calexico staying at the Fire House. What a kick that is. They feel honored to have us stay here. They bbq'd beef brisket and beans for us. Delicious!! We were given Fire Chief hats and were made honorary Fire Chiefs of the Calexico FireHouse Bicycle Club. We had to promise that we would do the nite shift... you can imagine our reaction to that - too funny!!!

What is pampering all about? They do our laundry for us on Mondays and Thursdays... What a treat that is!


  1. You look so funny in your hat.I am so glad you are having a good time.I love the laundry thing,especially the big pile of clothes on the table.How is the tent life going?


  2. I love looking at this every day, i showed my co-workers....I posted something else but looks like it didn't take. Have a great time!!!!
