Sunday, March 13, 2011

A bit of stuff

Here is Bubba getting his aura on... we were having breakfast at the casino this morning and his head fit into the light fixtures... he's a character. He is all about pampering his cyclists and his crew does it well. I'll get a picture of them one of these days.

Our routine at nite is finding our tents or cabins, getting a shower and then at a certain time there's a meeting to go over the next days route and to read from The Book of Bubba - which is actually something about the area we are in. He's quite clever.

This is really a fun and nice group of cyclists. I find myself riding with 3 guys that go a little faster than me but always wait for me after a big climb...other than that - I keep up with them. I'm quite impressed with me and my riding. It must be because of all the training I did... my personal trainer and my cycling with Team Alameda and during the week with Fred.

1 comment:

  1. That training really does count and it really sounds like you're having fun.
