Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tombstone Az

It was a great ride today from tuscan to Tombstone 72 miles with 2,600 feet of climbing. Finally the scenery changed and we had great hills, mountains, plains.... it was beautiful!! 72 miles of ups and downs with one 9 mile climb. Can't ask for more than that - although they say tomorrow is a 30 mile ride all climbing.

I guess we're having pizza tonite as something was wrong with the camper and they can't cook in it. We are also being treated to a nite in a motel and that is very nice.!!!

Last nite's rain stayed outside the tent - no leaks and I am very grateful!

That's about it for today!


  1. A night in a motel...now that's my idea of camping!! Good luck on your 30 mile climb...piece of cake for you, Lady Diane. Don't forget to pace yourself (duh..like you need to be told that.)
    Stay safe.

  2. I look forward to your journal everynight.We have 2 big storms coming to Roseville,beginning after midnite.I am glad you are in a hotel amd pizza.Ride like the wind to be free again.


  3. Great blog, Carine, Marguax, Frijole & I are living vicariously!
