Saturday, April 30, 2011

High Springs, FL

today was one of the best riding days - green fields, horse ranches, cattle ranches, forests, wild flowers in abundance and blue skies all day. We didn't care what time we got in because it was so beautiful but we did pull in at 2:30 on an 80 mile day ride.. not bad,heh!?!?!? Before going into camp we rode into town for sandwiches and shakes. I'm telling you I have some serious bad habits to break when this trip is over...

"Way down upon the Swanee river...." today we crossed the Suwanee River - correctly spelled by the way... I guess Suwanee didn't fit the song so the song writer dropped the u in the word...interesting... The county is named Suwanee also...

We're staying at a 7th day adventist camp - it's really nice and even has a zoo! Absolutely no alcohol allowed in the camp! Now there may be 3 less peacocks out there in the morning as they've been screeching all day and it sounds like they are crying for help. Dawn and I are once again sharing a cabin with 2 sets of bunk beds... we're both crackin' up as we are trying to climb up to the top bunk and it's not easy!! We're not teenagers anymore... You should have heard the lion this morning informing us it was breakfast..pretty cool!!!

We have our last layover day tomorrow and some are going tubing or kayaking down the river... I just wanted to go in town and shop... but most of the shops were either not open or they weren't the shops I was looking for. I have been in grubby clothes long enough and I wanted to buy something that makes me feel feminine!!! This town is big enough for some serious small shop shopping - naught!! I also heard they have the best cheesecake in the world here - naught. I gave my piece of cheesecake away and ate a cream puff instead - absolutely delicious!!!

Yesterday, we stopped at the Dixie Grill in Live Oaks where they are famous for their bread pudding... OMG it was delicious!!!

2 more riding days left... I've had the privilege, I guess you'd say, of riding through the rural and small towns of the southern part of the U.S. What an eye opener it's been...

For the rest of this day (Saturday) I'm going to lounge around the camp and enjoy a another beautiful day.


  1. Wow! I'm impressed. Are you guys racing or what?? I'm amazed that you're having trouble climbing to the top bunk after all the riding you've done!! Cracks me up. Enjoy your last few days and
    Stay safe

  2. Seems like just a little while ago you started your ride now its almost over,what a great job, and you seen a lot of history, scenery(sp)had a lot of fun, way to go Di !!!I envied you all the time, Whats Next? Katy

  3. Diane

    Do not take any more chances with lightening. You were very lucky. Believe me. You could have ended up a crispy critter...within striking distance of the prize. Good grief! And, I'm like Marian, you've ridden across the entire width of the North American Continent, and you struggled with climbing up 3' to the top bunk of the bed? Something's wrong with this picture. It does not compute!

    My trip back to NC was long and tiring. I've still not recovered and it looks like I'll be driving to Baton Rouge on Tuesday and flying back to Charlotte Wednesday afternoon. (A thrilling story, but now is not the time.) I have not heard from Nita or Helen on your final plans. Nita said she'd call me on Monday and fill me in. Nita, Helen and I had the biggest blast after meeting up in Jackson last Thursday. What a wonderful reunion we had. We talked non-stop and laughed so much that I know everyone thought we were crazy. We left no tidbit of gossip unturned. We haven't changed a bit. Just like a reunion of the Three Musketeers. And, I have to say that we were still looking good after 12 years. And boy did we ever talk about you! All good.

    I know that ya'll will probably get to the Atlantic Ocean before I hear another word, so once again, I'll say it: I'm in awe of what you have done, except for the bunk bed part.

    I hope that Bubba has rented a marching band in all of your honor. And, I couldn't help but let the local newspaper know about the tour and your arrival in their fair city. Sent in the suggestion to three separate places. Whether they will take my advice and write a human interest/sports story about ya'll or not, I don't know. Bubba's probably got a big bang ending planned any way.

    !!!!!!!!C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!!!!!!

    It has been an honor to follow the progress of The American Tour. You are ALL winners.

