Saturday, April 2, 2011

Road to Sanderson

Today was a 55 mile ride with some headwinds and a few inclines. Besides the horizon with the mountains were the buffalo... It was quite cute as we came upon them - a mother took her baby away from us...

Tomorrow is going to be a 77 mile ride with hills (finally) but it is going to be very hot...will let you know how it goes. Remember we are getting into a remote area of Texas so I may not be able to blog for a few days. Not sure what campsite that starts...

I promised you a pic of the "riders in the buff"... so here it is...
Bubba has a friend that is starting a new business making and selling buffs. He gave Bubba a bunch of them for us and so we put them on our heads and he took the pic......(smile)...../we originally were going to wear them in the different styles but they were too hot. How we do amuse ourselves... Tonite we had chicken dinner at the gas station/restaurant in Sanderson. I guess this is quite common in the Texas area.


  1. OMG! Totally not what I was expecting of 'Riders in the buff'. I'm still laughing at me!! Great pictures.
    Stay safe

  2. i was expecting something differnt as well:) BTW I just got asked by Hillary to be the godmother of her little boy:)

  3. You fooled us all with riders in the buff!! And I would love to see a baby buffalo - from a distance. I have a new boyfriend since you've left - Hines Ward. No more Derek!! Oh and this Sunday is one year with the beans. Mary, Cody and those beans!!
