Friday, April 8, 2011

Blanco, TX

Today we cycled 57 miles to Blanco. We're staying at a beautiful state park. It was another day of great riding roller coaster hills with ranches and farm animals out in the fields. We went through a very cute and small town called Comfort. For some reason I want to say one of the American Idol contestants last year or year before came from Comfort. It had the antique stores and cafes that make it great for tourists. When we arrived at Blanco we had lunch at the Bowling Alley Cafe - it used to be a bowling alley. There is a great area for swimming in the river and some of the guys did playing cannonball....

We are traveling mostly on backroads to avoid traffic. Most of the towns that we go through are very tired and so many of the buildings are boarded up. Without the Railroad and I-10 freeway these small towns have withered away. Kerrville was the largest town we were in since Tuscan. It's really quite sad to see these small towns slowly dying.

Let me tell you about Texas roads. They are all about chipseal (spelling)-and they are lousy and rough. It's amazing when you get to an affluent county - the chipseal road smooths out some. When it's not affluent - the roads are rough and really bumpy! You think you are rattling your brains loose and also the bolts on your bike.

Another thing we've gotten into now.... Humidity!!! I guess we'll have humid weather from now on... not looking forward to that! I feel like I've been in a sauna.. and we're now just getting into it!!!

Tomorrow is another 70 mile day with more roller coaster hills. We go through Lockhart which is the BBQ capital of Texas or the world so the Texan like to say. One of the restaurants was on the Dives and Diners. I think we will be going through too early in the morning for them to be open - will have to wait and see...cuz I would like to try it... will let you know...


  1. I am so glad you are having a great time.I look forward to your journal everyday.Keep it up and it will be over before you know it.


  2. I love the backroads...even in a car. I believe I saw the Dives and Diners you're talking about. Ride slow so you can try it. :-) It certainly looked good on TV. With the humidity, now's the time for a mister. Hope you have one with you.
    Stay safe
