Monday, April 25, 2011

DeFuniak Springs, FL

So today was a good day for riding after the ride we had yesterday. 55 miles of flat good roads with a bbq diner thrown in for lunch. We're staying at a mobile park that has a swimming pool and a beautiful lake across the road. We're all just lazin' around this afternoon waiting for our dinner. Some gal is fixing us Grouper (a fish I've never heard of) with biscuits and all the Florida fixin's.

Bryan, you crack me up and keep sending me those comments. I'm sure those dogs were southern dogs - their bark was worse than their bite!!! and I keep looking for those guys with the better tans but haven't seen any yet - I'll keep looking.

I forgot throughout all this that most of our groups have names.

The Alphas or the 3 aces - Steve, Ted and Harry (the fast riders)
The Bears - Mike, Judy and I - guess which bear I am... (when Dan decides to ride with us - he's Goldilocks)
Rand and Dan - no nicknames for them - just ran and dan
RoRo - Roland and R.O. - their claim is to leave camp last and come in last. They work very hard at it..
The Trykes - Lora, Phil and Dawn - they ride the recumbant trykes.
We have 2 frenchman that came in - Jacque and Pierre. Poor Pierre has had a very bad experience...after everything else - he sprained his ankle and has been on the bike only one afternoon - their claim? they don't do hills so Jacque sags most of the day.
Electric Dave (rode last year) came in to ride until Friday and then he joins another group...
It's quite a diverse group...and it's been a lot of fun. I'm the only female (and the oldest) that has ridden every mile so far...and hopefully will continue to ride every mile!!!
People stop us everywhere asking what we are doing and it starts many a converstion. A lot of fun - I suggest everyone do it..... even for those who think exercise is getting into a tubful of water, pulling the plug and going with the current :-)


  1. Oh man, I really like that last idea of exercise!! Gonna have to try it. LOL Be sure to send pictures of the guys with tans. I'm sure you'll like the Grouper. I'm going to go exercise now...
    Stay safe

  2. Go Baby Bear Go. I am sure you can ride every single mile.

  3. Glad to know the team names. I'm definitely a Ro Ro kind of guy, myself. I may try a short bike tour one day on a tandem. I can see Kate on the back doing the heavy, with my feet up on the bars sight-seeing and steering, of course. Yep, that sounds about right. I'm more of a "coordinator" type personality...kind of like Fred Sandford at his junk yard.

    Sorry to hear about Pierre. I'm sure he was thinking he was going to show you all how it's done. I bet he'll have a TOTALLY different story to tell by the time he returns to France, though. Probably stories about how he came in first every day...after fighting off packs of wild dogs, snakes, and bears...and tackling the rugged mountains of the Flordia Panhandle. He'll owe Jacques big-time for not spilling the beans on him. If they have not been able to ride much, maybe they'll help with the grub. Most Frenchmen can cook.

    Grouper's great. I didn't realize it was a gulf or Atlantic fish. If you see "blackened grouper sandwich" on a menu somewhere, order it. You won't be surprised. If you see Racoon on the menu, get it. A bit stringy, but good. Make sure it still has a foot on it, though. People like to pass off Possom on unsuspecting tourist types. And, you don't want possom.

    Just thinking about your day makes me tired. Hey, I had a rough day driving from Charlotte to Mississippi, in case your wondering. It was really hard...never could get the air conditioner just right. That'll just ruin a trip. And, my legs cramped from staying in the same position for so long. You've got to have real stamina to make those long trips. Don't know how I would have made it without all the preparation beforehand...lot's of naps, keeping my legs in the same position. But, I was ready for it.

    Yours truly,

  4. I meant to say you would not be "disappointed" with the grouper sandwich. I'm still in the recovery stage from that gruelling ride brain still hasn't kicked back in from being totally blank while driving.

