Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kerrville - the Halfway Mark

We had a great day of cycling 74 miles to Kerrville - the route was fabulous.. really fund roller coaster hills and then cycling the last part along the Guadalupe river. It's the same color as the Pecos river ... what do they put in it to make it that beautiful color.... A great route!

We passed many ranches and the one thing I noticed. The elaborate gates to their ranch. It's almost like a status symbol. Makes me think of the cowboys who where the humongus (spelling) belt buckles. One of the huge ranches we passed was the Faulkner ranch - they say it's about 400,000 acres... you know it's big when you have numbered gates along the way. This is the ranch where Cheney "accidently" shot his friend when they were hunting...

You will not believe this but I saw an all white deer - albino... I couldn't believe it myself. Harry said he saw a deer that was about 8ft tall from hoof to top of antlers...course we asked him what the had been smoking! this was on the Faulkner ranch and part of his exotic animals he keeps there..

Kerrville is halfway to the Atlantic. I can honestly say I never once have asked myself what was I thinking when I signed up. I'm loving it... I like my tent alot - it's my home! I actually think camping is the way to go because you become more of a unit with the don't take off to the motel room and watch tv. The group and the staff are great and we have lots of fun together...we are a small family. Everyone was back last nite and healthy! I can't believe how fast the time is going.

What surprises me are the number of women cycling solo and self supporting across the US. Bubba is a great guy and when we meet up with them they are always welcome to share dinner and the campsite.

On the scenic lookout along the way was a sign posted that read, "Dont' push the cliff campers or swimmers off the edge."

It seems Texans are really proud of their state - everytime you meet one they ask you how you like the "great state of Texas." I never ask tourists in ca how they like our great state.

Today is an off day so a few of us are going in town for lunch and shopping!


  1. Sounds like you're having a great time. I'm so glad you're enjoying this experience. And a white deer sounds very cool! I'm off work today and tomorrow and going to Pug-sit. The beans turn one on Sunday - can't believe it's been a year. And Wendy Williams voted off DWTS - good!! Mary, Cody and beans

  2. OMG--- You are having so much fun, and the history lessons I'm learning...Did I really learn this in school...Probably not...Your journal is excellent, wait for the next day for all the fun..... What hiway are you on or is the back roads..I know you are about 100 miles west of Austin...Some daily news, Idol was awesome last nite, Scotty sang Elvis Presley and brought down the house....Like Randy said...You are in it to win... enjoy today and will wait for the next stop in Texas,
    Be safe Nita

  3. Having to much fun aren't you, and I'm JEALOUS ! stay safe and take care Kathy/Katy


    just want to say hello and keep up the good work!

    I would say "go girl" but you are already half way to the Atlantic.

    be careful and ride safe!

    best wishes,
    Joe Cashman

  5. Half-way already!! Good grief! Sure doesn't seem like you've been gone that long. If you're lovin' your tent so much are you ever coming home? Well, you can always put it up in your back yard!! Great blogs...I see a book in the making!
    Stay safe
