Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tallahasee, Fl

So today as yesterday we rode through the Florida Panhandle - 56 miles today with the same rolling hills and great hiway with wide shoulders. The wind was strong and most of the time it was a headwind. Roland was so freaked out by the fact we were going to have high winds that he got up and was gone before breakfast. As it turned out the wind was bearable for everyone - even for him - but he was the first one in this time. His claim was always to be last with R.O. but he just couldn't quite do it. He sagged when the winds were so bad coming out of Seminole State Park - he said he just knew something bad would happen.

I have to admit after 7 weeks the rolling hills (which I normally would call inclines) feel like hills... but we just take them one after another. We are staying at a RV resort with a lake again. It's very pretty - but didn't take any pics today. I have about 300 pics so will make a great scrapbook when I get home.

We're 180 miles from St. Augustine, Fl - 4 riding days left with 1 layover day. So many of the riders are ready for it to be over with. I have mixed emotions about it. I want it to continue but for how much longer...? I've enjoyed every day of it.

We're having pot roast tonite. Our meals are better at camp then in restaurants, I think.


  1. Diane

    I'm "beginning" to "feel like" I am "getting close" to being "almost" speechless whenever I stop and think of what you have done. Do you realize that just a hand-full of people IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD have accomplished what you are about to finish...a completely foot-and-leg-and-sheer-will-powered journey across the entire United States? Lord knows a good horse probably would have died before getting to the Mississippi.

    If you think about it, the early explorers had horses and did a good stretch of their trips riding in boats or rafts. Your name should be in the history books. Not sure if they have a chapter on crazy people, but you should be listed some where regardless.

    "CRAZY LITTLE WOMAN FROM CALIFORNIA PEDDLES FROM THE PACIFIC TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN JUST FOR THE ADVENTURE AND HELL OF IT ALL." If that was a headline, no one would believe it. What gutsy determination!!!!!!! I wish that I had just a little portion of that. (Of course, then I wouldn't be Italian and I wouldn't have any free time to waste on life's other pleasures. And, I'd have to be disciplined...which is impossible, as well as no fun. It's probably been 30 years since I slept without central air and heat. So, there's no hope for me.) Oh well, I'll have to just bask in your glory.

    I'd be willing to wager that Don never ever ever picks a fight with you for the rest of his conservative life. He'd be a fool to try. I'd also be willing to bet your mama would be very proud. She was a fighter herself. I remember.

    I'd be honored to lay down and just let your shadow pass over me. I'm in awe of you.


  2. I love reading Bryan's comments. I can hear him as he says those things. But I totally agree with his 'headline.' But strongly question him comparing you to a horse. LOL You are so close to finishing. Hang in there, Lady Diane. I know you can do it.
    Stay safe

  3. Hey Marian.

    Sorry we won't get to see you on this trip! Next time, we need to hook up a "side" cart to Di's bike for you. (I'm NOT comparing you two to The Two Fat Ladies but have you ever seen them on The Cooking Channel?) This trip was obviously too easy on her. Carrying a passenger would add that extra bit of challenge. Maybe she could start training now by carrying those two French garcons to the finish line!

    Glad my comments are not messing everything up. It would help if I could spell. I DO KNOW the difference between peddling and pedaling, but sometimes my brain kicks in when I'm least expecting it, and I spell with a Southern drawl. (It would also help if I could see, since I do some on the Blackberry.)

    Ms Di,

    Have you thought about what you want to conquer next? How about a casual ride down to the bottom tip of South America...a trans-continental ride? On the globe, it looks all down hill to me.

    Meeting Nita and Helen for lunch today. Can't wait to talk about you.

