Monday, April 4, 2011

Seminole Canyon Park and Ft Clark Springs

Yesterday was a challenge... 76 miles of hills... long uphills and short downhills but no relief because we had headwinds. Had to pedal all the way down. then it turned hot!!! Out of 13 riders only 6 of us completed the day. then of course, last nite we also had more winds and it was ripping through the tents. To top it all of Judy had heat exhaustion, 2 of guys got sick and Ben (staff) had a kidney stone and ended up in the hospital. So it was a trying day for everyone.

but there was beauty and a great point of interest. Pico River canyon - absolutely beautiful with river running through it.

For lunch, we ate at Judge Roy Bean's museum... remember him? All the criminals had a trial with a monetary fine which Judge Roy Bean pocketed. Here is a pic of the saloon where he held court.

Today's ride was 73 miles with very strong cross winds. the kind that you have to hold onto your handle bars and hope the wind doesn't put you into the ditch. One of the riders was too freaked out to ride it out and so he sagged in....
Tonite we are in Ft Clark Springs... an old Calvary post dating back to the 1800's, Beautiful stone structures that were renovated into paying rooms. No tenting tonite... how lucky are we...


  1. You have had some challenging 2 good days...Texas Hill country is something to behold...So glad you are doing great. Hope everyone is feeling better after today, staying in the rooms will be most welcome... This is quite an adventure... What is the saying...It builds character..Saw Sofie and Mike today and he is reading your blog... Have a good nite, be safe tomorrow....Some great pic's... Nita

  2. Your Blog is a way to brighten our mundane days. Your inspirational journey serves as a reminder to us that we should get off our butt and follow our dreams. OK, maybe in baby steps... :)

    Mike (Sophistry)

  3. WOW!! Way to go, Lady Diane. Again, great pictures and I do remember movies of Judge Roy Bean.
    With major winds like you had, I'm with the person who sagged in.
    Stay safe

  4. Hi Diane! What an adventure you're all having. I so much enjoy your updates and can't wait to check in on you occasionally to see where you are and what's going on! May the wind be at your back and have smooth sailing on the next leg of the ride.
    Can't wait to talk to you and catch up on the lastest!
    Mary N
