Thursday, April 14, 2011

Silsbee, TX

So tonite is our last nite in Texas...goodbye to the bbq's and hello to cajun food and zydeco music in Louisiana. Today was an uneventful pleasant riding day. We did 75 miles in record time -5 hours & 15 min... a personal best for the four of us...

When we were at lunch in Independence a couple of days ago, the pastor said we were in Baptist country...not sure if we still are but in the rural area before Sam Houston Natl forest there was this humongus statue of Jesus. At the bottom of the statue were the words "This is our Jesus of East Texas". Very strange as it was in the rural neighborhood of homes and it was facing the hiway. I've also heard a lot of Germans settled here so we see a lot of Methodist churches along with the Baptist churches.

Not much else going on today - Bubba was taking Erica, Mickey, Dawn and I to get manicures and pedicures this afternoon but in a small town they just didn't have enough time or people to do it. We were hoping to do it in Texas as everything is so big in Texas... guess we'll get it done tomorrow in Louisiana...

So one of our pampering items is to have our laundry done... well, someone left a tube of lotion in their pocket and what a mess.. all the clothes came out looking dirtier than when it went in. When I'm finished with this trip - my clothes are going into the garbage.... What's really funny is we are all recognizing everyone elses laundry when we're sorting it out..Crazy!!!

The next 2 or 3 days will be long - 80-85 miles...I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. I just love your journal and a pedicure would feel so good about now.I will never keep up with you if you go 75 miles in 5 hours and 15 minutes.Wooooow,that is fantastic.Ride with the wind buddy.


  2. Awesome! Sounds like you're getting stronger each day. Way to go. I'm impressed. We're heading home - in Albuquerque(sp) tonight. Winds were awful all day long. Hope you're having good traveling weather.
    Stay safe

  3. Happy Friday! I'm so tired today I can barely walk Cody let alone ride 85 miles on a bike. So proud of you. Lotion in the laundry story was sad... very sad. Mary
