Sunday, April 24, 2011

To Milton, Florida

We left Dauphin Island on the ferry and as we were coming into the dock across the bay there were pelicans just waiting and hoping for food, Iguess. But what a great picture I got of them...

Today was an 87 mile ride - quite flat but for the first 40 miles we had a head wind which was beating us up.. The route was fabulous riding along the gulf shore with the water on the right. Gulf Shores, Alabama has condos and time share along the coast. There were times I was wishing for more condos and trees so as to cut the wind but it's a ride where taking a picture does not do it justice. At at mile 32 we crossed into Florida - our last state. Judy and Mike are from St. Augustine, FL - they are riding home and so they were really excited.
On the route we crossed over Blue Angel Parkway and to the right was the US Naval Air Station of Pensacola, FL where the Blue Angels are based. I didn't see any of them but that was pretty cool... just crossing over and knowing it...

This morning when I got up I found a plastic bunny rabbit and an egg by my tent door - at first I thought some kid had been playing around the tent and then I had an "ah ha" moment and realized - that's Bubba! Everyone had the same. For breakfast Harry gave us a demonstration on how to peel a watermelon... we called him our cable cooking show for the morning.. yesterday morning he fixed omelets for us.

Well my bike bag is broken and I'm holding it togethr with a bungy cord...well, a little squirrel decided to check it out - put his head inside my bag and got my pack of kleenex and scampered up the tree with it. He finally lost it but it was pretty cute...

tonite for dinner Bubba fixed us a great Easter dinner..ham, sweet potatoes,green bean casserole, veggies..and banana cream pudding for dessert... A great meal and a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I laughed so hard about your comments about riding like a homeless person.I can imagine all the wear and tare of your clothing and look really happy,so this trip must be worth it.I am very proud of you.


  2. WOW! You look really good. And skinny!! You're going to need a new wardrobe that'll fit you anyway so no worries throwing away your clothes. And you don't even look tired. Way to go, Lady Diane!
    Stay safe

  3. Glad the Easter bunny found you. But, for some reason I thought he would be better looking than that. But who cares as long as you get chocolate. I'm not at all surprised to discover that the Easter bunny's real name is Bubba.

    Ya'll got out of Mississippi just in time. Big storms are hitting now.

    Two more days. Go Di, Go!!

