Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Marianna, FL

So today was a 68 mile ride... great roads, rolling hills, green trees and grass. We crossed Aligator Creek and Krash said there was a 5 ft aligator in there... I think he was spoofing me though.. We stopped at this bbq diner - I must say stopping at these diners along the way are a great way to go.. you meet so many of the locals and they all want to know what we're doing so it's a good way to chat with them.

Our campgrounds tonite are next to a lake - it's really pretty but there's a lot of bugs and mosquitoes. I'm told to expect them from now on cuz we're in Florida. We have plenty of OFF to spray so we should be covered.

Mike and I were talking about the roads today and we decided the best roads are in Florida and the worst roads were in Texas...they were continually bad!!! Judy just left for Ohio - her dad will have a part of his lung removed as it is cancerous. He's 85 so it can be pretty dicey. I hope everything works out okay for him. So Mike and I are riding alone again.

I think tomorrow is another 65-70 mile ride..It's funny that when we first started riding 50 miles was a long day - now you hear us saying "50 miles? that's a short day" and make plans for the afternoon.

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