Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Bike

Well, here is the bike that I'm riding cross country.  My custom-made Steve Rex bike.  Steve Rex is out of Sacramento.  I have so many compliments on this bike.  I wish I was as bike savvy as others so I could really appreciate all the great aspects of it.  I just know I love this bike and when giving some thought of buying a new bike for my trip - I decided to go with the old and true.  When you look at this bike - it may look purple - but it is Heather Rose Gray! Remember - Heather Rose Gray - not purple :-)
My bike does not have the standard 700 tires but 650. My friends call it a bikette!!


  1. Looks like you are ready to go. Have fun. Patti Moore

  2. Pretty bike. I like gray. I'm curious Diane about your gearing do you have triple gears, compact double gears, modified double to get as close to triple as ya' can, or double gears?
