Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feb 10

Today Rachel, Fred and I rode Calveras out by Sunol. What a great day and a beautiful fun road to ride. 30 miles of sunshine and roller coaster type hills. Good company and good training for all of us.

There was a cute brown cow in the road. I know he wanted to get back to his herd but didn't know how. I just hope he was able to get back in before a car came along and hit him. The road was quiet - only a few cars on it so I'm telling myself he would get to safety.

My next door neighbor Fred is retired - wow, how I love that word - Retired! That's me - Retired!!! Anyway, we ride together a couple of times during the week. We head for the eastbay hills on most days. We ride pretty close to the same pace so that works out really well.

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